LESSON 2 - What differentiates weather and climate?
Teacher Instructions
For the first activity of this lesson, students will be using their iPads to access EdPuzzle and watch a video about Weather and Climate. While watching the video, there will be questions for them to answer. They will then use the information learned to share their thoughts and answer a prompt on Padlet.
The second part of the lesson engages students in a web search activity and collaboration. Students are asked to use Google Maps and the Kidrex search tool to look up information that will help them complete a Google Drawing compare and contrast chart for weather in two randomly picked cities.
Explore & Explain - EDPuzzle & Padlet:
I chose to use EDPuzzle for this activity for several reasons. EDpuzzle's elements of video combined with questions add powerful effects to students' formulating of mental schema and retention on memory. Basically, learning with videos facilitate synthesizing of information with multiple processing channels (Kruger, Soto-Sanfiel., Doherty, and Ibrahim , 2016). Combining visual and auditory forms of representation maximize the capacity of the short term memory by coding information in both cognitive channels. In turn, the capacity assigned for germane load will increase which ensures the students can reach the learning outcomes despite language difficulties. Also, with EDPuzzle, students are able to watch small parts of the video and answer questions at various points of the video. Segmenting of the information in the video allows learners to engage with small pieces of new information as well as to give them control over the flow of new information. As such, it manages intrinsic load and can also increase germane load by emphasizing the structure of the information (Spiro, n.d.).
On the other hand, Padlet is a user friendly brainstorming tool that allows for students who have difficulty formatting their thoughts in writing to use Padlet’s images, voice or video features to present their thoughts in formats that match their interests and capabilities. The multimodal elements to this task (images, voice narration, text, animation) engages those hard-to-motivate students by giving them a sense of ownership. Basically, students will have the opportunity to add their own ideas, and personalize it by adding finishing touches of pictures, and other media. Additionally, encouraging ELL students to participate in classroom presents a challenge especially that they often feel powerless in class which impedes their participation level. With Padlet, students are more comfortable in participating in class and completing this English infused science activity.
Investigate - Web Search & Google Drawing:
This activity is based on students’ participation in a web research activity and collaboration. During these cooperative opportunities, students are able to research, discuss and share their thoughts to the compare and contrast question as they begin to contribute to the group effort. Students are asked to use Google Maps and the Kidrex search tool to look up information that will help them complete the Compare and Contrast chart on Google Drawing. A web search activity is an activity that requires the student to practice several skills, including English reading comprehension, comparing information, and summarizing and reporting in English as well as higher order thinking skills . The Web Search Instructions Guide document shared with students guide them into using LICRA search strategies and cognitive flexible thinking in searching for reliable information to support their persuasive writing (DeSchryver & Spiro, n.d.). With this activity, students are encouraged to access information from a variety of media resources which results in students' encounter of the same information from multiple perspectives. This crisscrossing of material in different directions through exploring multiple knowledge sources engage students in reformulating search requests align with cognitive flexibility notion.Also, Google Maps brings another dimension to the activity by allowing students to connect location and geography to climate and weather.
Furthermore, using The collaborative nature of this activity ensures that students benefit from helping each other learn. Students can clarify confusing points of English in ways that other English language learners can understand and teachers may not be able to explain. When they help each other, it benefits both of the students involved.
Lesson 2: Weather & Climate Differences ( Duration: 1 Hr)
DeSchryver, M., & Spiro, R. New Forms of Deep Learning on the Web: Meeting the Challenge of Cognitive Load in Conditions of Unfettered Exploration in Online Multimedia Environments. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/newformsofdeeplearning/
Kruger, J.L., Soto-Sanfiel., M. T., Doherty, S., and Ibrahim, R. 2016. Towards acognitive audiovisual translatology: Subtitles and embodied cognition. In. R.Muñoz (ed.),
Reembedding Translation Process Research
. pp.171-194.London: John Benjamins Publishing Company.